
This is a simple word guessing game the basic idea of which is from the hangman game.
Technologies: JavaScript, DOM, jQuery, and HTML/CSS
Click image to continue.. Watch out for the sound!


This is a Full-stack application with 3 data models. This app with a built in timer for the each order helps you monitor your food prep time so you don't need to wait in line.
Technologies: MongoDB, Express, Node.js, and Handle-bar/CSS


This is a Full MERN stack application.This app allows users to log in their favorite buildings in the cities they visit.
Technologies: MongoDB, Express, Node.js, and React Styled-Components


This is a Full-stack application with React on Rails with many to many relationships. This app allows user to write reviews for the cities they visited.
Technologies: Ruby on Rails, React,Styled-Components


This is a Full-stack application with React on Rails. This app allows users to choose the languages they want to learn.
Technologies: Ruby on Rails, React, Styled-Components

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